
12. The Hanged Man

Surrender · Sacrifice · Perspective

The Hanged Man Tarot card is a captivating and enigmatic symbol in the Tarot deck. Depicting a figure suspended upside-down by one foot, the Hanged Man represents surrender, sacrifice, and a new perspective. Let’s delve into the profound symbolism of The Hanged Man and discover the transformative lessons it holds for us.

The Hanged Man Tarot Card


  • The Hanged Man: The central figure of The Hanged Man is depicted as a man suspended upside down from a tree or beam, forming a shape resembling the number 4. This position symbolizes surrender, sacrifice, and a new perspective gained through suspension.
  • The Rope: The Hanged Man is often shown with one leg crossed over the other, forming a triangle with the rope around his ankle. The rope represents his voluntary restriction, suggesting the need to let go of control and embrace surrender.
  • The Halo: A halo or radiant light often surrounds the head of The Hanged Man, symbolizing spiritual enlightenment and divine wisdom attained through surrender and contemplation.
  • The Serene Expression: Despite his upside-down position, The Hanged Man usually wears a calm and serene expression, reflecting his acceptance of his circumstances and the peace found in surrendering to a higher purpose.
  • The Tree: The Hanged Man is suspended from a tree, symbolizing the world tree or the axis mundi, representing the connection between the earthly and spiritual realms. It signifies the importance of spiritual growth and alignment.
  • The Enlightenment: The Hanged Man’s inverted position represents a reversed perspective and unconventional thinking, inviting individuals to question their beliefs, values, and assumptions, leading to personal growth and enlightenment.

With other cards

The Fool
To not move forward due to one’s foolishness, bad time management.

The Magician
To not finish what is started, disconcerted effort.

The High Priestess
To be held hostage by one’s own fantasies.

The Empress
A person that respects others boundaries, to give someone space.

The Emperor
A person that is surrounded by helpers but does not act.

The Hierophant
To have the patience to let something naturally evolve.

The Lovers
A love triangle, to be the third wheel.

The Chariot
To take a break after a long marathon.

To preserve one’s strength, waiting for the opportune moment.

The Hermit
The all-knowing master of circumstances, to be on schedule with destiny.

Wheel of Fortune
Taking a risk to get out of a rut.

Delayed justice.

Exhaustion, the need to take a break before starting something new.

Waiting for a situation work itself out.

The Devil
Sloth, to be lazy and self-indulgent.

The Tower
Mania, a radical change that explodes through stagnation.

The Star
Daydreaming, to fantasize

The Moon
To be held hostage by one’s own insecurities.

The Sun
To not plan ahead and bask in one’s triumphs.

To wait for an outcome, to be held to account for one’s deeds.

The World
To complete a cycle.

The Hanged Man Upright

The Tarot Card “The Hanged Man” in the upright position is a card of surrender, letting go, and gaining a new perspective. This card encourages us to release control and allow the universe to guide us, even when it may feel uncomfortable. Let’s explore the various aspects of The Hanged Man in the upright position and what it means for us.

As a person

The person that embodies The Hanged Man in the upright position is someone who is introspective, reflective, and patient. They have a deep sense of faith and trust in the universe and are willing to surrender to the flow of life. Physically, they may have a calm and serene appearance, with a peaceful energy that emanates from within.



For single people, The Hanged Man in the upright position advises releasing attachment to the outcome and surrendering to the journey. Don’t be afraid to let go of old patterns and beliefs that may be holding you back from experiencing love. This card suggests that by allowing the universe to guide you, you may find a deeper and more meaningful connection.


For couples, The Hanged Man in the upright position advises letting go of expectations and surrendering to the present moment. Don’t be afraid to release control and allow your relationship to evolve naturally. This card suggests that by embracing a sense of surrender and trust, you can deepen your connection and create a more harmonious relationship.


When it comes to career, The Hanged Man in the upright position advises a sense of detachment and surrender. Don’t be afraid to release control and allow the universe to guide you to your true calling. This card suggests that by letting go of old beliefs and patterns, you can open yourself up to new possibilities and opportunities.


When it comes to money, The Hanged Man in the upright position advises a sense of trust and patience. Don’t be afraid to let go of the need for control and allow the universe to guide you towards abundance. This card suggests that by surrendering to the flow of life, you can attract wealth and prosperity into your life.


The numerological meaning of The Hanged Man in the upright position is 12, which represents a sense of completion and rebirth. This card suggests that by letting go of old patterns and beliefs, we can create space for new beginnings and opportunities. The number 12 also represents a sense of harmony and balance, suggesting that The Hanged Man can bring a sense of peace and serenity into our lives.


The Hanged Man in the upright position can be used as a talisman when seeking a new perspective or letting go of control. This card can remind us to release attachment to the outcome and trust that the universe has our best interests at heart. By carrying The Hanged Man with us, we can tap into its energy of surrender and create space for new possibilities to emerge.

Key Combinations

The Hanged Man in combination with The Empress creates a powerful combination of surrender and nurturing. The Hanged Man in combination with The Tower suggests a surrender to change and transformation. The Hanged Man in combination with The World represents a sense of completion and letting go.


The Hanged Man in the upright position is a powerful and transformative card that encourages us to release control and surrender to the flow of life. Whether we’re seeking love, success, or abundance, this card reminds us that by letting go of old patterns and beliefs, we can create space for new beginnings and opportunities to emerge. So embrace The Hanged Man and surrender to the universe, knowing that everything is unfolding exactly as it should.

The Hanged Man Reversed

The Tarot Card “The Hanged Man” in the reversed position represents a time of stagnation, resistance, and feeling stuck. This card encourages us to examine our current situation and find ways to break free from old patterns and beliefs. Let’s explore the various aspects of The Hanged Man in the reversed position and what it means for us.

The Hanged Man Tarot Card

As a person

The person that embodies The Hanged Man in the reversed position is someone who is resistant to change, stuck in old patterns, and lacks the ability to see things from a different perspective. They may be stubborn, inflexible, and unwilling to take risks. Physically, they may appear tense or closed off, with a guarded demeanor.



For single people, The Hanged Man in the reversed position advises examining old patterns and beliefs that may be holding you back from finding love. This card suggests that by being open to new experiences and letting go of resistance, you may find the love and connection you’ve been seeking.


For couples, The Hanged Man in the reversed position advises examining old patterns and beliefs that may be hindering the growth of the relationship. Don’t be afraid to try new things and explore each other’s passions and interests. This card suggests that by letting go of resistance and being open to change, you can deepen your connection and create a more fulfilling relationship.


When it comes to career, The Hanged Man in the reversed position advises examining old patterns and beliefs that may be holding you back from success. Don’t be afraid to take risks or pursue a different career path. This card suggests that by letting go of resistance and being open to change, you can achieve great success and fulfillment.


When it comes to money, The Hanged Man in the reversed position advises examining old patterns and beliefs that may be hindering your ability to attract wealth and abundance. Don’t be afraid to take risks or invest in yourself and your future. This card suggests that by letting go of resistance and embracing a positive attitude, you can attract wealth and prosperity into your life.


The numerological meaning of The Hanged Man in the reversed position is 12, which represents completion and fulfillment. This card suggests that by examining old patterns and beliefs and letting go of resistance, we can find a sense of completion and fulfillment in our lives.


The Hanged Man in the reversed position can be used as a talisman when seeking to break free from old patterns and beliefs. This card can remind us to examine our current situation and find ways to let go of resistance and embrace change. By carrying The Hanged Man with us, we can tap into its energy of completion and find a sense of fulfillment in our lives.

Key Combinations

The Hanged Man in the reversed position in combination with The Tower represents a time of great upheaval and change. The Hanged Man in the reversed position in combination with The Devil suggests a time of resistance to change and being stuck in old patterns. The Hanged Man in the reversed position in combination with The Star represents a time of healing and letting go of resistance.


The Hanged Man in the reversed position is a powerful and challenging card that encourages us to examine our current situation and find ways to break free from old patterns and beliefs. Whether we’re seeking love, success, or fulfillment, this card reminds us that by letting go of resistance and embracing change, anything is possible. So embrace The Hanged Man and find ways to let go of old patterns and beliefs that may be holding you back from your true potential!

In moments of difficulty and uncertainty, The Hanged Man reminds us of the power of surrender and the potential for growth that comes from embracing a different viewpoint. By shifting our perspective and relinquishing control, we open ourselves to new insights and profound transformations. So, when you encounter The Hanged Man, remember to release resistance and find wisdom in surrender, for it is through letting go that we find our true liberation.