
II. The High Priestess

Intuition · Mystery · Hidden Knowledge

The High Priestess is a mysterious and enigmatic tarot card that embodies the power of intuition, hidden knowledge, and feminine wisdom. Let’s delve into the rich symbolism of The High Priestess Tarot Card, exploring what this card means and how it can help us connect with our own inner guidance.

The High Priestess Tarot Card


  • The High Priestess: At the center of the card is the figure of the High Priestess, who is often depicted as a veiled woman seated on a throne. She represents wisdom, intuition, and knowledge.
  • The Crescent Moon: Behind the High Priestess is a crescent moon, which represents femininity, intuition, and the cycles of life.
  • The Pillars: The High Priestess is flanked by two pillars, one black and one white, representing the duality of the universe and the balance between opposing forces.
  • The Water: The High Priestess sits at the entrance of a body of water, representing the unconscious mind and the depths of the human psyche.
  • The Scroll: In the High Priestess’s lap, there is a scroll, symbolizing knowledge, wisdom, and the mysteries of life.
  • The Crown: The High Priestess wears a crown, representing her authority and knowledge as a spiritual leader.

With other cards

The Fool
To be enamoured with lofty possibilities.

The Magician
A coquettish partnership, to find one’s match.

The Empress
A mother/teen daughter relationship, intuition over aged wisdom.

The Emperor
A father/daughter or authoritative person/gifted individual relationship.

The Hierophant
Co-operation of kindred spirits.

The Lovers
A matchmaker, to craft a situation.

The Chariot
To manage a situation through one’s charm and gentle persuasion.

Independence, to stay true to one’s nature.

The Hermit
Kindred spirits, to have much in common along with different points of view.

Wheel of Fortune
Expected cyclical change, stability within uncertainty.

A diplomat, to rule fairly wielding charm and compromise.

The Hanged Man
Escapism, to hide within one’s self.

To face situations with quiet resilience.

The weighing of options followed by contemplated action.

The Devil
The quiet person that surprises everybody.

The Tower
Prophecy of dramatic change.

The Star
To be certain of one’s destined path.

The Moon
To be in sync with nature, to know one’s destiny.

The Sun
Expansion of one’s horizon, getting out of your comfort zone.

To come to the end of a journey and reflect upon what was learned.

The World
Shared thought cohesion, hive mind action.

The High Priestess Upright

The Tarot Card “The High Priestess” in the upright position is a card of intuition, wisdom, and secrets. This card encourages us to trust our inner voice and listen to our intuition, even when the answers we seek are hidden from plain sight. Let’s explore the various aspects of The High Priestess in the upright position and what it means for us.

As a person

The person that embodies The High Priestess in the upright position is someone who is intuitive, wise, and mysterious. They have a deep connection to their inner voice and are often able to pick up on the emotions and energies of those around them. Physically, they may have a serene appearance, with a calm and collected demeanor.



For single people, The High Priestess in the upright position advises trusting your intuition when it comes to matters of the heart. Listen to your inner voice and pay attention to the subtle signs and signals that may be guiding you towards your soulmate. This card suggests that by staying true to yourself and your inner wisdom, you can attract a deep and meaningful connection with someone who truly understands you.


For couples, The High Priestess in the upright position advises a sense of mystery and intrigue. Don’t be afraid to explore the deeper aspects of your relationship and connect on a spiritual and emotional level. This card suggests that by embracing the unknown and staying open to the secrets and mysteries of your partner, you can deepen your connection and create a more profound relationship.


When it comes to career, The High Priestess in the upright position advises a sense of intuition and inner knowing. Trust your gut when it comes to making important decisions and stay true to your values and beliefs. This card suggests that by following your intuition and listening to your inner voice, you can achieve great success and fulfillment in your career.


When it comes to money, The High Priestess in the upright position advises a sense of caution and discernment. Pay attention to your gut feelings when it comes to financial decisions and avoid taking unnecessary risks. This card suggests that by staying grounded and listening to your inner wisdom, you can make smart financial choices that will benefit you in the long run.


The numerological meaning of The High Priestess in the upright position is 2, which represents balance, harmony, and duality. This card suggests that there is a delicate balance between the conscious and unconscious, the known and unknown, and that we must learn to navigate both in order to find harmony and balance in our lives.


The High Priestess in the upright position can be used as a talisman when seeking guidance and clarity. This card can remind us to trust our intuition and listen to our inner voice, even when the answers we seek are hidden from plain sight. By carrying The High Priestess with us, we can tap into its energy of intuition and wisdom and connect with our inner selves on a deeper level.

Key Combinations

The High Priestess in combination with The Empress creates a powerful combination of intuition and creativity. The High Priestess in combination with The Hierophant suggests a deep spiritual connection and inner guidance. The High Priestess in combination with The Devil represents a sense of temptation and hidden desires.


The High Priestess in the upright position is a powerful and mysterious card that encourages us to trust our intuition and listen to our inner voice. Whether we’re seeking love, success, or guidance, this card reminds us that the answers we seek are often hidden within us and that we must learn to trust ourselves in order to find them. So embrace The High Priestess and connect with your inner wisdom and intuition on a deeper level!

The High Priestess Reversed

The Tarot Card “The High Priestess” in the reversed position is a card of hidden truths, intuition, and secrets. While this card is typically associated with inner knowing and spiritual wisdom, in the reversed position it suggests that something is being concealed or ignored. Let’s explore the various aspects of The High Priestess in the reversed position and what it means for us.

The High Priestess Tarot Card

As a person

The person that embodies The High Priestess in the reversed position is someone who is struggling to trust their intuition and inner guidance. They may be hiding something or denying their own feelings and emotions. Physically, they may appear closed off or guarded, with a lack of emotional expression.



For single people, The High Priestess in the reversed position advises taking a step back and reassessing your emotions and feelings. Don’t rush into anything or ignore your intuition, as this could lead to disappointment or heartbreak. This card suggests that by listening to your inner voice and being honest with yourself, you can attract a more authentic and fulfilling relationship.


For couples, The High Priestess in the reversed position advises open and honest communication. Don’t ignore any feelings of doubt or unease, as they may be pointing to something important that needs to be addressed. This card suggests that by being vulnerable and sharing your true feelings, you can deepen your connection and strengthen your relationship.


When it comes to career, The High Priestess in the reversed position advises taking a closer look at any hidden agendas or motives. Don’t ignore any red flags or warning signs, as they may be pointing to something important that needs to be addressed. This card suggests that by being observant and aware, you can avoid potential pitfalls and make more informed decisions.


When it comes to money, The High Priestess in the reversed position advises being cautious and aware of any hidden costs or risks. Don’t ignore your intuition or overlook important details, as this could lead to financial loss or instability. This card suggests that by being vigilant and attentive, you can make more informed and financially sound decisions.


The numerological meaning of The High Priestess in the reversed position is 2, which represents balance, duality, and partnership. This card suggests that there may be a need for greater balance and harmony in your life, and that by working with others and embracing collaboration, you can achieve greater success and fulfillment.


The High Priestess in the reversed position can be used as a talisman when seeking clarity and understanding. This card can remind us to trust our intuition and pay attention to any hidden or obscured information. By carrying The High Priestess with us, we can tap into its energy of inner knowing and uncover any hidden truths or insights.

Key Combinations

The High Priestess in combination with The Tower suggests a need for radical change and upheaval in order to uncover hidden truths and embrace transformation. The High Priestess in combination with The Devil represents a struggle with temptation and the need to release unhealthy patterns or attachments. The High Priestess in combination with The Moon suggests a need for deeper emotional healing and spiritual insight.


The High Priestess in the reversed position is a challenging but powerful card that reminds us to trust our intuition and pay attention to any hidden truths or emotions. Whether we’re seeking love, success, or financial stability, this card urges us to be honest with ourselves and others and to approach our lives with greater awareness and consciousness. So embrace The High Priestess and uncover the hidden truths that are waiting to be revealed.

By embracing The High Priestess’s energy and tapping into our intuition, we can unlock a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Through her guidance, we can learn to trust our inner voice, follow our instincts, and unlock a world of hidden potential. So the next time you encounter The High Priestess, remember that she is a powerful ally on your journey through life, and her wisdom can help you navigate even the most challenging of circumstances.